Terreno en Venta en Southern Chile , Seleccionar


$ 9.000.000

Chile, Southern Chile - Seleccionar

Anuncio desactualizado

I. Identification

Name of Premises: Lot 1-A, Flat 71
Size: 5,786 acres


Commune: Punta Arenas
Province: Magallanes


North: Reserva Nacional Magallanes (8.900mts)

South: Lot 3, Plan 71 (9,790 mts)

This: Hijuelas individuals (broken line 7688.9 meters)

West: Magallanes National Reserve (6,000 mts)

II Features

Topography: Rolling and mountainous north

Roads: There are 13 km of main road gravel
And 14.6 km of secondary roads

Soil: volcanic origin glacial sediments,
Crispiness becoming heavier in high
Depth, PH of 5.2 to 5.5 moderately

Water Resources: In this lot is Chorrillo of
Bullets Leñadura gives birth to Rio, which is powered by lots of Chorrillos.

Vegetation: In these areas it is possible to find a
Variety of species, the main
Lenga (Nothofagus pumilio). Being able to
also find Ñirre (Nothofagus antartica)
Coigue (Nothofagus betuloide)

Vegetation are located in flat areas and restricted drainage, predominates in the presence of undecomposed organic matter (peat)
Plants growing in these sectors are of the genus Equisetum and Sphagnum mosses of the genus, associated in some cases with rushes, sedges and grasses.


Las vegas are exclusively of sedges, rushes and grasses just some adapted to conditions of high humidity.

surfaces III

BARE 218
TURBAS 1,402
FOREST 4,098
T O T A L 5.786 acres

Forest Area considered:

Protection Forest: forest protection is considered to woodlands found on the banks of rivers and / or chorrillos on slopes greater than 45%, or at the edge of open sectors whether mobs, vegas, lagoons, etc. . The area occupied by this forest is 430 acres

Noncommercial forest: forest is considered noncommercial those whose total height does not exceed 12 meters (creepers) or those who are in a state of collapse (decrepit forest).
The surface of this type of forest is 356 acres.

Forest office: It is considered commercial forest to those whose total height exceeds 12 meters and are in a state of high fustal or mature of good or fair health, fit latizal for timber either through thinning, short protection or short end.
The surface of this type of forest is of 3,312 acres

Caminos Agricultura Caminos
Entrada de camiones Explotación forestal Bodega
Vivienda caseros
Ubicación y mapas
Dirección: Chile
Localidad: Estado: Seleccionar

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